With the server running, you can easily create a new GM account, or make an existing account a GM account by running these commands in the mangos.exe window: In this guide, I will show you how to create a GM account and go over the most useful commands that you can use with it.

You can give gold and items to any character in the game, set them to any level, teleport to any location, reset talent points, learn every spell and more. If you are more interested in using the server as a test-bed for builds and strategies, or to simply explore and really want to cheat the game, you need to create a Game Master account. These settings provide a nice way to play the game, more or less, as intended. You may have also read the Advanced Settings Guide and the Bot Control Guide to get a much better single player experience. If you've followed my WoW Single Player Server Quick Start Guide, you have a working local single player server running. So now I guess I’m asking you - how would you make professions fun again? What would you do to bring a sense of interest to this gameplay element which has felt neglected for so long? Is it too late, should we just make all crafting a cosmetic for fun option, what are the best ways to get this to be compelling again? Is it all BOE gear again, like the Lionheart? Give me your best ideas because frankly I’m out and I want professions to be fun again.World of Warcraft Single Player Server GM Commands | Filed under: Gaming And for the Auction House in Dalaran, now that I think about it. My Hunter gave up on Engineering and just used it for the hat, which I didn’t even need to craft myself, I just bought the thing. I think Legion really killed a lot of my enthusiasm for crafting, with the endless need to get the same recipe again but better and to go to dungeons just to progress the skills I was trying to level. And some professions don’t even have that anymore - Enchanting is basically just reliant on a few recipes you can churn out, I don’t even know what people do with Inscription anymore, and I hear tales of Jewelcrafting that make me want to run in the opposite direction. So for me, it’s been a long time since I really felt like I was leveling them for more than an obligation - the last time I got a cool item or even something I’d use for transmog was quite some time ago.

I really haven’t liked my professions for several expansions - I think the last time I really enjoyed crafting in World of Warcraft was during The Burning Crusade, if only because that was when I made my Lionheart Executioner.